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Endorsement by
Daniel Piazzolla (Astor Piazzolla' s son)
"The exquisite expressive quality and dexterous technique present in this album faithfully capture the essence of my father's music, Astor Piazzolla. I celebrate this achievement and look forward for more to come!"
"La exquisita calidad expresiva junto con la destreza técnica presentes en este disco capturan fielmente la esencia de la música de mi padre, Astor Piazzolla. ¡Celebro este logro y espero que haya más por venir!"
Daniel Piazzolla

Endorsement by the Argentinean Embassy
"The Consulate General of the Argentine Republic extends its support and endorsement to Tinto Tango, as a true representative of Argentinean music and culture."
Ambassador Ruben E. Caro Consul General
Endorsement by the City of Los Angeles
"On behalf of the City of Los Angeles... I would like to recognize your support and contributions to the local culture and promotion of the arts.
Tinto Tango's commitment and dedication is outstanding and further helps the common goal of making our city a better place in which to live, work, and play.
You are truly an angel in the City of Angels"
Mitch O'Farrell -
Council Member 13th District
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